The day before I got braces I cut my hair off to donate to the little princess trust. This time I was doing gym 2nd hair donation. The first time I ever donated my hair was when I was 11. I donated 13 inches of healthy hair. And now I have successfully donated 19 inches of hair for my second donation. I have grown my hair ever since the last donation when I was 11 and so my hair has able to grow a lot. It has taken 4 years to get my hair to below my waist and get to the longest length my hair has ever been.
Cutting my hair for donation at home
Now due to the coronavirus still spreading around, I thought it was best to make the big chop at home. Then get my hair styled at the salon. So I bunched my hair up into three pony tails with rubber bands. Some at the top where I want to cut and in the middle to hold the lock together.
My mum helped me to brush and bobble the hair. Then first cut was up top me. I grabbed the left bunch and with the small scissors I began to cut. Wow it felt good.
Then because my hair needed to be a little bit more straight I was taken to the hairdressers.
In the hair salon
I asked for my hair to be trimmed so it was even and washed squeaky clean. Once all the hair was even I felt so beautiful. And even more happy when my hair was blow dried I got poofy hair. The thing is I have always desired volume and silky soft hair so having this being achieved is amazing.
Why did I donate my hair?
I honestly think it’s because I am able to that made me think why not, even though I love having long locks I can always have more and so it’s ok to give it away. If you love your hair, I bet someone else will too. Donate to princess trust organization today. And like me you don’t just need to donate once you can give as much as you want, the more the merrier. And remember when you donate grow it out as long as possible so that the donation is as long as possible. Say minimum 7 inches is what you want to donate, on a kid that’s medium to long hair but on an adult that can be very short hair. So longer donations can give the older ones a chance to have long locks too. Be kind and enjoy life. Hair doesn’t define you, it’s your actions.